Mt. Everest’s highest glacier lost 2,000 years worth of ice since the 1990s
The highest glacier on Mount Everest is losing ice at an alarming rate, new research finds.
The highest glacier on Mount Everest is losing ice at an alarming rate, new research finds.
The Internal Revenue Service is abandoning its plans to partner with an outside company that would have used facial recognition to verify new accounts.
A pet shop worker was the first to be infected.
In most depictions of the extinct megalodon shark, it looks pretty much like a super-sized version of its modern relative, the great white. According to a new study, however, it may actually have been considerably less similar in appearance.Continue Re…
Judge Peter Cahill oversaw the trial that ended in Derek Chauvin’s conviction on charges of murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd.
The Lost Leaf is closing at the end of March. The owners shared the news on social media, citing the challenges of the pandemic and gentrification.
An Oregon woman told authorities a man tricked her into believing she was undergoing federal agent training for about a year, according to court documents.
DeSantis refuses to take sides in Trump-Pence clash as 2024 rumors swirl
There are no nuts in “Honey Nut Cheerios.” There used to be ground almonds in the recipe but since 2006 … Read More & Source
The post WTF Fun Fact – Honey Nut(less) Cheerios appeared first on WTF Fun Facts.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics says, in simple terms, entropy always increases. This principle explains, for example, why you can’t unscramble an egg.