Turkey vulture: The bird that vomits acid up to 10 feet and poops antiseptic onto its legs
Turkey vultures feed on dead carcasses, helping to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Turkey vultures feed on dead carcasses, helping to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Scientists have warned that the Paris Agreement to limit global warming will likely be breached as data reveals 2024 was the hottest year in human history.
Antarctica is home to a peak shaped like a perfect pyramid — but contrary to what conspiracy theorists say, the mountain’s four symmetrical faces were forged through natural processes.
There’s a significant imbalance between matter and antimatter in our universe, but a strange particle called “the Majoran” could finally explain it, an audacious new study suggests.
The newborn had a birth defect that left a gap in his lower spine, through which tissue pushed out and formed a giant, red, balloon-like structure.
An artist’s illustration of Earth’s magnetosphere.
A new underground facility called DUNE, which will accelerate particles for 800 miles between Illinois and South Dakota, could reveal the hidden dimensions of the universe, new research suggests.
Tularemia, or “rabbit fever,” is an infectious disease that normally affects animals but can spread to humans, sometimes via tick and deer fly bites.
In a rare medical case, a woman in her 70s was hospitalized with heat stroke after stretching in a sauna for 45 minutes.
The grandfather paradox is just one of the thorny logical problems that arise with the concept of time travel. But one physicist says he has resolved them.